Our Offerings

We offer three programs delivered fully online and tailored to the age ranges 6 to 18 as seen below

  • Happy
    Blockly Brunch (6-9)
    Kids get to learn how to build animations, games, and stories using the block-based programming language, Scratch.
  • Programmer
    Builders Brigade (10-14)
    Kids get to learn foundational concepts of programming like conditional statements, loops and decision trees using Scratch
  • Teenage
    Founders Forge (15-18)
    Kids get to learn Python programming which is widely used in Machine Learning, AI, Data Science & Analytics, etc.

We've Been Making Moves

Watch the video below of our CEO, Tabot Arreytambe giving an Ignite Talk at the global Scratch Conference hosted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2016 

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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